How to Maintain Smooth Skin After Upper Lip Laser Hair Removal

How to Maintain Smooth Skin After Upper Lip Laser Hair Removal

by | Oct 22, 2024 | Laser Hair Removal

Getting rid of unwanted facial hair can feel like a little bit of salvation, especially after undergoing laser hair removal on the upper lip. Actually, it’s a long-lasting solution that minimizes the growth of hair and leaves you with smoother, clearer skin. In spite of how effective the procedure is, you do need to work for maintaining this smooth skin post-procedure and good after-care.

After having upper lip laser hair removal, you would want the skin to look as perfect as it can be. Here’s how to maintain the best results after laser hair removal and how to keep your skin soft and healthy.

1. Calm Your Skin Immediately After Treatment

For the first few hours after your laser hair removal treatment of your upper lip, expect minor redness and swelling. Your skin has been subjected to selective laser treatment, so it would do well to soothe it. Try applying a cool compress on the area for a few minutes to soothe irritation. Otherwise, apply any soothing moisturizer or aloe vera gel.

Avoid using hot water or any harsh products in the area for at least 24 hours to allow your skin to recuperate.

2. Steer Clear of the Sun

Laser treatments also make the skin sensitive to the sun, so ensure you keep your upper lip protected from UV rays after passing the treatment stage. Avoid direct sunlight for at least a week, and put on sunscreen with an SPF level of 30 or higher whenever you are out in the sun. Apply a high-SPF broad-spectrum sunscreen so that if any changes occur due to sun exposure, it will be in the way of preventing the occurrence of pigmentation changes and irritation.

Remember that face skin is thin and sensitive, so the protection from bad UV rays will keep your post-treatment skin as smooth as it was.

3. Avoid Harsh Skincare Products

If your skincare routine utilizes stronger exfoliants and active agents, such as retinoids, acids, or vitamin C, it is advisable to avoid using these agents for at least some days following upper lip laser hair removal. These may irritate your sensitive skin more and sometimes cause side effects like pain from redness or peeling.

Use only comforting and moisturizing treatments that allow your skin to recover on its own without aggravating it further. A mild cleanser and fragrance-free moisturizer will help you get back on your feet until you are back to normal.

4. Hydration

Hydration is the key to achieving smooth skin for any form of cosmetic treatment. Drinking water hydrates your skin from the inside out and helps it to recover while making it shine.

Hydrate from the inside while regularly applying a moisturizer to the affected area to prevent dryness. Use a light yet powerful moisturizer that can even be loaded with soothing agents like hyaluronic acid or ceramides.

5. Let Your Skin Shed Naturally

Generally, after laser hair removal around the upper lip, the treated area might result in something resembling new regrowth. That, however, is primarily the hair pushed out by the skin. This process is termed shedding, and it usually starts one to two weeks after the session.

Do not touch the shedding hairs while waiting for them to fall out. This will help you avoid irritating the affected skin or interfering with the treatment outcome. If the falling-out phase is unbearable, gently exfoliate with a soft-wash cloth or a mild scrub once your skin is fully healed. This loosens the falling out hair strands by removing dead skin cells.

6. Adhere to follow-up sessions

It works by destroying the hair follicles in their active growth phases. At any given time, not all of your hair is in this phase. That’s why there have to be multiple treatment sessions in order for it to be effective.

Upper lip laser hair removal can be completed just by attending every scheduled follow-up session. For instance, if you skip a session of treatment, your skin will restart the development process, causing hair to begin growing again. It may take another period before you achieve the smooth, long-lasting results you’re working towards.

7. Avoid Waxing or Tweezing Between Sessions

It is tempting to yank out any stray hairs that appear between laser sessions, but this can interrupt the treatment process. A pluck or wax pulls out the hair right from the follicle so that the laser cannot easily target that follicle at the next session. You only cut the hair at the surface and not the root when you shave, so shaving is actually the safer alternative in case of unexpected hair eruptions.

Shaving is the safest way of handling the hair between laser treatments with the assurance that your next session will be effective.

8. Follow up on Your Skin for Side Effects

Laser hair removal is generally a safe procedure, but as with any cosmetic treatment, it is wise to watch out for any side effects. Mild redness or swelling are normal reactions that should resolve within 24 hours or so. If you continue to experience irritation, blisters, or color changes, please see your practitioner.

Your clinic can also provide you with advice or aftercare products, should you need them, to keep your skin healthy through the treatment.


The appropriate care following upper lip laser hair removal will go on to contribute toward smooth, flawless skin, which can be preserved for a longer time if all the after-care measures are adopted. This includes soothing right after treatment and keeping it covered from the sun so that it sticks strictly to follow-up appointments.

Metamorphosis Clinic ensures its patients receive the best care and guidance from a professional at every stage of laser hair removal. Our personal way of conducting this ensures that safe and effective results are achieved on your skin for a look that appears much better.

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