Home 9 Body Contouring Treatments 9 Cryosculpting

What Is The
Cryosculpting Treatment?

Do you have stubborn fat pockets that you wish to get rid of? Would you like to see the love handles, muffin tops, and spare tyres vanish? CryoSculpting/Cryolipolysis is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment designed to remove excess body fat in targeted areas that do not respond to diet and exercise. The treatment delivers controlled cooling to target the fat cells underneath the skin and leaves the skin unaffected. This type of body contouring uses low temperatures to freeze and permanently destroy fat in problem areas. The fat cells are effectively frozen, and there is a reduction in unwanted fat, leaving you with the figure you have always wanted. It is a safe procedure as fat cells freeze at higher temperatures than other cells, so there is no risk of accidentally freezing anything other than the fat. Within four weeks, you will start seeing the difference as your body begins to get rid of dead fat cells. Your final results are seen within twelve weeks of treatment.

Consultation begins by doing a physical assessment. An individualised treatment plan consists of the number of sessions required. Your doctor will explain that you’ll have to wait for 12 weeks to see the best results; however, the improvement begins within four weeks. You will be shown before and after images, and the procedure will be explained in depth. Please disclose any underlying medical conditions or medicine usage to your doctor. Your doctor will ask you to avoid aspirin before the treatment as it increases your chances of bruising. The treatment can target fat cells in any area, e.g. double chin, arms, abdomen, bra bulges, love handles, inner and outer thighs, and underneath the buttocks.

Your measurements are taken and noted before the treatment begins, after which the cryosculpting applicators are applied to the desired areas. After removing the cryosculpting probe, a soothing massage follows, and the post-procedure cream is used at the end.

Benefits and Results


Quick and simple procedure. Non-surgical procedure.
Painless and effective procedure. Targeted fat reduction.
Treats difficult & stubborn fat. No incisions or surgery.
Noticeable results within 8 to 12 weeks. More than one area can be treated in a single session.
Can go back to routine activities immediately—significant improvement in appearance restoring confidence.

Quick and simple procedure.
Non-surgical procedure.
Painless and effective procedure.
Targeted fat reduction.
Treats difficult & stubborn fat.
No incisions or surgery.
Noticeable results within 8 to 12 weeks.
More than one area can be treated in a single session.
Can go back to routine activities immediately—significant improvement in appearance restoring confidence.

Results: Visible results are witnessed within 3-4 weeks

Treatment Procedure

Measurements are done before starting procedure

Cryosculpting applicators are applied onto the desired area

Massage done immediately after removal of Cryosculpting probe

Post procedure cream applied.

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Synopsis of treatment

Procedure Time - 40-80 Minutes


Duration of Results - Long Lasting

Male or female - Both

Full Recovery - Immediate

Risks and Complications - Pain, Swelling, Bruising, Cramping, Clight Numbness for 4 to 5 Days.

Back to work-immediate

Results - Visible in 10 to 12 Weeks

Sensitivity Period - Up to 7 Days



Treatment FAQ’s

What is CryoSculpting?

CryoSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction procedure. It cools the subcutaneous fat to the point that the fat cells are destroyed. While the fat cells die, the surrounding nerves, tissues, and muscles remain unaffected.

What are the risks?

CryoSculpting is a non-invasive procedure, and it does not involve surgery, cuts or anaesthesia, so it carries less risk than liposuction or other surgical procedures.

The procedure is very safe, ideally. You may feel tugging, intense cooling, pulling or mild pinching throughout the procedure. You can also experience pain, cramping, redness, swelling or bruising post-procedure.

Are CryoSculpting results permanent?

The CryoSculpting Slimming treatment is used for fat loss, and yes – the fat lost during the destruction of these cells does last. Fat loss through this slimming process is permanent, as once those fat cells are destroyed, they will never return.

How many times do you have to do CryoSculpting?

CryoSculpting can be completed in 1 session for some individuals, while for others, it can take multiple sessions. The size of the treatment area, the amount of fat, and several other factors can influence treatment sessions.

Most patients undergo two to three treatment sessions per target area.

Who is an ideal candidate for CryoSculpting?

You are an ideal candidate if you possess an overall good shape with some areas of stubborn fat bulges that do not respond to diet or exercise, or other treatments. You are not obese. You do not have any underlying bleeding disorder. You do not suffer from heart disease or have active implants like the pacemaker.

What should you avoid after CryoSculpting?

To avoid fat gain after the procedure, your diet should consist mainly of lean protein, healthy fat, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Try to avoid baked goods, chips, and other junk food. We recommend avoiding alcohol and caffeine on the day of your treatment.

For whom should CryoSculpting be avoided?

In cases of pregnant women, breastfeeding ladies, anyone with severe sensitivity to cold temperatures, anyone with a history of bleeding disorders, or any active implant like a pacemaker in the body.

Can I resume my exercise routine immediately after treatment?

If you are not feeling discomfort post-treatment, you can start your exercise routine the next day.

Which problem can Areas be treated with CryoSculpting?

CryoSculpting procedure is FDA approved for treating visible fat bulges in the thighs, abdomen, flank, bra bulges, and back fat underneath the buttocks.

How much fat do you lose with CryoSculpting?

It eliminates up to 25 % of fat cells at any given part of a person’s body.

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