
Say goodbye to unwanted tattoos with our effective laser tattoo removal treatment. Discover a safe and efficient method to erase ink and restore clear skin.

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Metamorphosis Clinic
Sat Dec 23 2023
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Quite often people regret a tattoo they got because of some reason or the other. Now it could be because the design does not suit them any further. It could be that they have lost interest in the tattoo. It could be that the very reason why they got inked, to begin with, is not important to them anymore. It could be because it affects their current relationship as they got a name tattoo or they need to get it removed for an upcoming job. It is in situations such as those that they need the likes of laser treatment for tattoo removal. 

Laser treatment for tattoo removal represents the breakthrough that has been achieved in medical science and technology for purposes such as these. The basic thing here is that with such treatments you can now erase this unseemly part of your life. However, there are a few things that you must keep in mind in this particular context. For starters, such treatment can lead to the formation of scabs, blisters, and crusts on your skin. This can happen anywhere between 8 and 72 hours of having undergone such treatment. At times you may have a surface wound in these cases as well which will heal. The safest method of removing a tattoo There are plenty of methods that are used for removing tattoos such as microdermabrasion, tattoo removal creams, salabrasion, injectable methods such as rejuvi, surgical excision, cryotherapy, and acid. 

However, laser treatment for tattoo removal is perhaps better than all of these simply because of how safe it is. It also happens to be the most effective method that you have for tattoo removal in this day and age. This is because this is the only method that does not damage your outer skin layer when the tattoo is being removed. There is a definite method in which such technology works. The light energy from the lasers penetrates your skin and reaches the tattoo pigments.  

How does the method work?

Different wavelengths of light are used in the process of laser treatment for tattoo removal and all of them target various colours that have been used in the tattoo. These lights provide just enough energy to break the ink up. The older lasers were able to do such work in nanoseconds but the way they worked also damaged your skin a lot. This is because they heated the ink to remove it. Thankfully, technology has improved considerably in recent times. These lasers have a great pulse duration, which means they are extremely fast. This is why they can break up the ink in a photo-mechanical way instead of heating the ink.     This is how laser tattoo removal makes sure that the integrity of your outer skin, or outer dermis, is never compromised or damaged in any way, shape, or form. 

You already have a fair idea of how such a system works – we are talking of light beams with high intensity over here. The thing with laser tattoo removal is that black is the colour that can be removed the most easily. This is because it absorbs all wavelengths. In the case of the other colours, the lasers that are used would function only for those specific colours. Blue, green and yellow inks are most difficult to treat. 

Talking to the professionals  In these cases, it is always better to talk with a professional or the best tattoo removal clinic who is trained to do such work and schedule a consultation session with her or him. This needs to be done so that your tattoo can be evaluated by the professional and you can get the right advice in this regard.  

How many sessions do you need for removal? 

The number of sessions you need for laser treatment for tattoo removal depends on several factors. This includes the age, colour, and size of your tattoo. Also important in this context is the depth to which the tattoo pigment has penetrated your skin and the colour of skin that you have.  The smaller tattoos normally need fewer pulses and the bigger ones require a lot more so that they can be removed. Tattoos that are located closer to the heart or other major blood vessels fade sooner than other tattoos. So this means tattoos on the upper body and neck need fewer treatments as compared to tattoos located on extremities like hands and feet.

No matter how big your tattoo is you could need several sessions for the tattoo to be removed. You can be sure that with each session your tattoo would start getting lighter, and progressively so!  If your tattoo is a cover-up of a previous tattoo that means twice as much ink may have been used. Such tattoos demand more sessions to get treated than any other kind of tattoos. 

Also Read: Tips for a Speedy Recovery After Laser Tattoo Removal

What to expect in these cases?  

There are a few things that you should expect in these cases. To begin with, you would be provided with a pair of protective eye shields before the treatment starts. The tattoo removal technician would first test how your skin reacts to the laser. This will help her or him determine the right kind of energy that needs to be used for your laser treatment for tattoo removal. The technician would also use the laser to pass pulses that contain intense light. This would be done through the topmost layers of your skin and it is only the tattoo pigment that would absorb the said light.   It can be uncomfortable You need to keep in mind that this particular process can be rather uncomfortable. 

However, it has been seen that in most cases only topical anaesthesia needs to be administered to the patients. You may need to use a topical anaesthetic cream 30 minutes before you start laser treatment for tattoo removal. This, though, depends on the part of your body where the tattoo is located.  

Using an ice pack Immediately after you have had a session of laser treatment for tattoo removal, your technician should use an ice pack on the treated area. This would make sure that it is cooled properly. Your technician should also use an antibiotic ointment or cream to protect the area. A bandage works just as fine as well. When you go outside for a few days after the treatment you should make sure that you have used sun-block to cover the area as your skin is more sensitive than ever before.

Also Read: Tips for a Speedy Recovery After Laser Tattoo Removal

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