Home 9 Body Contouring Treatments 9 Weight Loss Treatment

What Is The Weight
Loss Treatment?

Being overweight can bring about several emotional and physical problems, and trying to lose it alone will not work. Fortunately, our branches in Delhi and Mumbai will give you a helping hand. Once you have decided that you will engage the help of a weight loss clinic, We advise you to speak to our doctor, who will ensure you do not have any medical issues that could prevent treatment. Once you have the all-clear, you should be able to enrol for weight loss treatments immediately.


Ultrasonic Lipolysis is an innovative, gentle, non-surgical procedure to remove the accumulation of fat deposits in specific regions of the body. It is one of the safest methods to remove localized fat in and around the waist, inner thigh, abdomen, and under the upper arms, knees, and ankles. We use focused ultrasound waves to break down fat without causing any harm to the surrounding area. This method removes unwanted fatty deposits that can change the shape of our bodies.

At Metamorphosis, we have revolutionary procedures for fat reduction. Therefore, we refrain from suggesting or using crash diets, weight-loss pills or challenging exercises that may lead to unpleasant health effects.

What to expect during the consultation?

Before starting any body treatment, we measure your height and weight, and a BCA analysis is done. A detailed medical and medication history is taken at this time. We also take your BCA periodically to keep track of the progress associated with our treatment. Frequent follow-ups are taken where we monitor your health status and diet regime. Before your first session, our doctor will advise you to drink plenty of water before and after the treatment, which eases the removal of damaged fat cells. It would be best if you also reduce your carbohydrate intake.

Treatment Protocol at Metamorphosis

The procedure involves utilising an ultrasound probe(transducer) on your concerned area, which will directly target the fat cells. The fat cells are destroyed without causing any damage to the surrounding area by the transducer that is kept onto the concerned area in a conical manner. The transducer is massaged onto each part for about 30 minutes using the gel as a coupling medium. The treated area is cleaned after the procedure, and you can resume your routine activities.

Benefits and Results


Pain-free treatment Non-Invasive, Safe and Effective
Quick & Immediate Results Minimal Downtime
Improved Skin Texture Return To Routine Activities Immediately
Can Be Performed On Different Body Parts Tone The Surrounding Skin
   Great for body contouring  

Pain-free treatment
Non-Invasive, Safe and Effective
Quick & Immediate Results
Zero Downtime
Improved Skin Texture
Return To Routine Activities Immediately
Can Be Performed On Different Body Parts
Tone The Surrounding Skin

Results: Instant improvement in your weight and inches. 6-8 weekly treatments are recommended. Every session lasts only for 7 minutes. One week interval is needed between sessions.

Treatment Procedure

Measurements and weight is taken

Mobiliser is used to prepare the fat before U-Lipolysis

U lipolysis is done in the desired area

Lymphatic massage is given to release the fatty acids

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Synopsis of treatment

Procedure time-75 minutes


Full recovery-immediate

Male or female - Both

No. Of Treatments 6-8 Sessions*
*Results May Vary

Risks & Complications- Bruising, Redness, Increased Thirst

Back to work-immediate

Results- Visible Immediately And Progress With The Number Of Sessions

Duration Of Results - Long Term



Treatment FAQ’s

What Is Body Contouring?

Being 20% more than your ideal body weight is considered obese. Various renowned health institutes have defined a BMI of 30 and above as being precisely obese. Body Contouring is a medical condition where body fat accumulates, causing ill effects on our health. Body Contouring increases the probability of cardiovascular diseases, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, depression, stroke and some cancers.

Which Are the Factors Causing It?

The most common factors involved are overeating and the absence of physical activity. Excessive weight is also a result of genetics, metabolism, eating frequency, and associated medical conditions(PCOS, hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and Cushing syndrome). Some medications also tend to cause weight gain.

How Does Ultrasonic Lipolysis Work?

The ultrasonic waves mainly target the unwanted fat cells in your body, causing a disruption in the fat cells and melting it into liquid form. After this, the thawed fat cells leave your body naturally via the lymphatic system.

What Areas of the Body Can This Treatment Target?

Treatment can be done on the tummy, love handles, thighs, arms, back and calves.

How Much Time Does It Take for One Session?

6-8 sessions are required for ideal results. Each session is for 75 minutes. We advise a one-week interval between sessions.

Is the Procedure Safe?

The procedure is safe, non-invasive, painless, and highly effective.

By When Can I Go Back to Work?

You can resume work immediately after the treatment. There is no downtime for this procedure.

What Should Be the Ideal Weight Loss Goal?

The ideal goal should be in a healthy BMI range, which is between 18.5 and 24.9

What Results Can I Expect From the Treatment?

Since this is a fat loss treatment, you will initially see the loss in inches, followed by a gradual weight loss.

What Is the Difference Between Fat Loss and Weight Loss?

Body weight is an aggregate of our muscles, bones, organs, and water our body retains. It is the sum of your total body weight. So weight loss is a result of all of these. Fat loss is the loss of the stored fat in your body.

What Exactly Is Healthy Weight Loss?

A healthy weight loss is losing extra fat without losing your muscle mass and gaining overall health.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for U Lipolysis Treatment?

Anyone who wants to lose weight and inches can undergo treatment. Before knee joint surgery, many overweight patients opt for this treatment; diabetics and hypertensives who cannot exercise can opt for this treatment. It also is beneficial for ladies suffering from PCOS.

For Whom Is the Treatment Not Advised?

The treatment is contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, patients with a pacemaker, liver and renal conditions, and metal implants in the area to be treated.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for U Lipolysis Treatment?

Anyone who wants to lose weight and inches can undergo treatment. Before knee joint surgery, many overweight patients opt for this treatment; diabetics and hypertensives who cannot exercise can opt for this treatment. It also is beneficial for ladies suffering from PCOS.

For Whom Is the Treatment Not Advised?

The treatment is contraindicated for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, patients with a pacemaker, liver and renal conditions, and metal implants in the area to be treated.

What Aftercare Is Recommended Post-procedure?

Please avoid alcohol and caffeine-based drinks on the day of your procedure. Heavy meals should be avoided before and after the treatment. We also suggest 2.5-3 Litre of water per day during your treatment. You should also follow the diet given by us as its plays a vital role in maintaining weight at home. Eating behaviour is commonly associated with environmental and emotional triggers, so lifestyle changes play a significant role.

Do We Have to Follow a Strict Diet?

We aim to make this process manageable for you. You can occasionally enjoy an outside meal with friends and family, but everything has to be done in moderation. As you attain a healthier body, you will gradually learn how to eat healthily. It would help if you were committed and motivated to lose weight to transform your body.

What Is the Cost of U-Lipolysis Treatment?

Depending upon the number of sittings advised by your doctor, the cost is worked out. It is generally an affordable treatment. At Metamorphosis, we offer state-of-the-art ultrasonic lipolysis treatment to several patients at the best price.

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